Florida Man Report – September 10
September 10 – Florida Man Decides That if He Can Fly a Plane He Can Lead the Bucs to Victory
Every sports fan has had a moment where they feel, with no doubt, that they could take their team to victory. But one Florida man decided to make sure everyone knew he was up to the challenge.
The Florida man, Andrew Forgino, had been wide awake the night before he decided on his plan. Forgino was fuming over the fact that Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Lovie Smith had been fired. It’s not like Forgino had been a huge fan of Smith’s performance. Quite the contrary, Smith’s performance hadn’t taken the team to the heights fans felt was possible. But Forgino had a lot of hope in his heart and just giving up didn’t sit well with him.
The next morning, the Florida man put his hat in the ring for the position of coach. Forgino didn’t have any real coaching experience, so he instead pointed out that his experience in the military and as a pilot taught him about unfamiliar situations – just like coaching. While the Florida man’s chances of making his dream come true is low, it’s sometimes inspiring to see someone willing to give his all for his favorite team.
See Also:
- Florida Man Headlines – September 9
- Florida Man News – September 8
- Florida Man Calendar – September 7
September 10 – Florida Man Takes Three Days To Realize He’s Been Shot
It’s been said that dinosaurs experienced an extreme delay between injury and perception of such. But a recent incident with a Florida man and his trusty handgun makes one wonder if the same might be true for some humans.
The strange tale begins as Michael Blevins cleans his .22 caliber pistol. His pet dog was being overly playful and Blevins had to clutch the gun to his chest in order to make sure that nothing hurt the pooch. That was the point when the Florida man’s back gave out and he fell to the floor. In the moment of surprise, he didn’t notice that the gun had fired.
Michael Blevins is in most respects a perfectly normal man, not possessed of any extraordinary pain tolerance. Or at least that would be the case if he hadn’t been prescribed painkillers for his back. It’s thought that the painkillers masked the pain of a bullet passing right through him as he hit the ground. It wasn’t until he needed to change his shirt that he noticed the issue and went to the hospital for treatment. In total, it was three days between the bullet passing through him and his realization of what had occurred.
September 10 – Florida Man Avoids a 400 LB Fish That Got Away Story Thanks to a Handy Wrench
Every fisherman has a story about the one that got away. Those are the big fish stories about a catch so large that nobody would ever believe it. Rarer are the stories of someone nabbing such a fish successfully. And most rare of all are stories of catching the big fish with photos to show the whole journey from start to finish. But there’s one twist on the idea even rarer – seizing victory against the big fish with a wrench.
Ryan Hein decided to use a wrench for his fishing jig on a lark. The Florida man didn’t have anything to go on other than his gut. But if a small jig catches a small fish, it just might be that a huge jig would catch a huge fish. Hein’s gut was proven right because the Florida man managed to pull in a 400-lb Goliath grouper.
Even more remarkable than the use of a wrench for a jig is what the Florida man did after he caught the fish. Hein took some video of himself reeling in the sea monster. But that’s the only memento he kept for himself. He caught the fish, removed some hooks that were already pierced through it, then returned the still-living fish to the water.